| 1. | Bilt support study of the broken soft rockmass around underground openings 破碎松软岩巷锚杆支护研究 |
| 2. | Stability analysis and support study on surroundings of finishing cut 收作眼围岩稳定性分析与支护技术研究 |
| 3. | Abstract this system fulltitle for hard work to support study management system 摘要本系统全称为的勤工助学管理系统。 |
| 4. | Technical support study and practice for initial deployed new equipment 新型复杂武器装备早期部署阶段军代表技术保障工作研究与实践 |
| 5. | According to develops the request , it mainly applies to the education system , completes to the employer as well as the hard work to support study student information management 根据开发要求,它主要应用于教育系统,完成对用人单位以及勤工助学学生信息的管理。 |
| 6. | Findings from one agency - supported study showed that blacks are 13 percent less likely to undergo coronary angioplasty and about one - third less likely to undergo bypass surgery than whites 单一机构支持的研究发现显示黑人比白人有少于13的冠脉成形术和少于三分之一的搭桥手术。 |
| 7. | Purpose encourage promising young people from underprivileged families to complete their studies ; sponsor charity and relief work and support study in the fields of physical education , culture , and education 成立主旨奖励家境清寒,优秀青少年完成学业。奖励体育、文化、教育学业之创办及慈善救济事项。 |
| 8. | At present , the management information system to enter the universities , but has not been popular , but said regarding the hard work to support study management system management system , at present does not have a set completely , the unification system 目前,管理信息系统已进入高校,但还未普及,而对于勤工助学管理系统来说,目前还没有一套完整的、统一的系统。 |
| 9. | It will harness the vast and unused computational power of the world s computers and direct it at research designed to help unlock genetic codes that underlie diseases , improve forecasting of natural disasters and support studies that can protect the world s food and water supply 这网格将整合全球电脑庞大且并未用尽的运算能力作科研用途,务求破解引致疾病的遗传基因问题、提升人类预测天灾的能力,以及支援各种保护地球粮食与水源的研究。 |